Harmonious energy starts from the home and flows out to the country and then the world at large.GLOBAL peace can be achieved if people incorporate the ancient Indian science of construction, Vasthu Sastra, in their houses because the harmony of any nation begins at home.
If a couple is at peace in their home, they will spread the goodness within their neighbourhood and the harmonious energies will overflow to the town, state, country and, eventually, the world.
In short, peace begins in every individual’s home and not the White House, the United Nations or Parliament House.

I made this call during my presentation entitled Vasthu Sastra – The Formula For World Peace at the 13th Asian Astrology & Vasthu Sastra Conference on National Heritage held in Kuala Lumpur earlier this month.
My suggestion that Vasthu Sastra can contribute towards world peace was acknowledged by the delegates from India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Thailand and Malaysia.
Although 5,000-year-old, this ancient knowledge has brought hope and accord to many homes worldwide and interest in it is growing as people are now seeking alternative therapies for good health, peace and happiness.
Asian Astrologers Congress president Dr Satya Biswas said Vasthu Sastra is a logical and practical way of living and it has resolved many of the challenges that mankind faces.
“Since ancient times predictive sciences like astrology and Vasthu have been one of the greatest adventures of human civilization and have contributed greatly to people’s lives and their culture.
“Although both the predictive sciences are thousands of years old, they are still sought by people in modern times as humans are looking for answers to the unseen and the unknown, and the challenges in life.
“Astrology is based on the belief that the position of the planets and stars influence human life. Vasthu guides us on how we can live harmoniously in any space by being at peace with the five elements – ether, fire, water, earth and air,” said Dr Biswas.
He added that regardless of whether or not people believe in metaphysics or mythology, they play a vital role in every individual’s life.
The astonishing aspect about astrology is that it can give one insights into all manner of situations, from the personal to the political and from the most intimate to the most mundane.
“This is because astrologers generally take a holistic view of the world and we can see that there is a spiritual connection between all things, even the planets, stars and us.”
Dr Biswas said it was possible that some people may dismiss both the sciences as totally fictional and baseless and give it no importance whatsoever.
But modern science does not discredit the knowledge they offer and they continue to have powerful effects on the lives of many.
Publish in The Star on Sunday, August, 28th 2011
Thanks to Mr T.Selva & The Star
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